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Historic Women in Sport Photo Action Awards Exhibition to open in Melbourne’s CBD

The #WISPAA Women in Sport Photo Action Awards are proud to announce there will be a free public exhibition of the award-winning images in Melbourne’s CBD.

The success of the #WISPAA awards has resulted in a stand alone exhibition that will be staged from June 11-28 at 50 Lonsdale Street, in Melbourne’s prestigious and historically-rich parliamentary precinct.

WISPAA creator Louise Evans said the exhibition, featuring 30 images taken by the #WISPAA winners, runners-up and finalists, marks another historic milestone in the evolution of women in sport in Australia.

“For the first time there will be a public exhibition devoted solely to stunning action photographs of Australia’s female athletes in flight, performing great feats and fearlessly fighting to succeed,” said Louise Evans, who is also a Director of Women Sport Australia (WSA).

“You will be able to get up close and marvel at the intimidating level of power, courage, control and skill captured in these inspirational images by the award-winning #WISPAA photographers.”

WISPAA and the #WISPAA Exhibition is proudly presented by Women Sport Australia (WSA), the peak national advocacy body for women in sport

WISPAA was conceived to help change media and public perception and portrayal of women in sport. It was triggered by the number of images that depicted elite sportswoman in smiling stationary poses, often with a ball under their arm or a bat over their shoulder.

The aim of #WISPAA is to showcase the skill, strength and athleticism of Australia’s sportswomen in action.

As Olympic swimming champion Bronte Campbell said when the #WISPAA awards were launched – female athletes are not fitness models – they are gladiators.

WISPAA is part of WSA’s mission to ensure Australia’s sportswomen are perceived and portrayed as gladiators of their sports.

To engage both elite and grassroots photographers, two #WISPAA award categories were launched – one for professionals and one for amateur photographers.

The response was overwhelming with hundreds of images submitted by hundreds of photographers around Australia. Now 30 of these images selected by the #WISPAA judges will go on public display.

You can download montage images of the #WISPAA winners, runners-up and finalists here: and

Captions with the names of the winners, runner-ups and players depicted are embedded with the images. Publication of the images must carry this credit: Courtesy of Women Sport Australia and #WISPAA.

You can also view thumbnails of all the winners, runners-up and finalists on the WISPAA website here: and on Women Sport Australia’s social media channels – Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The #WISPAA Exhibition is supported by sponsors the IAAF, Nikon and Epson.

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