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+ WSA experienced unprecedented growth in national prominence and influence in 2018 due to our strong advocacy via our growing social media channels, traditional media interviews and bespoke media releases. Twitter followers rose over 1000 to 6600 and Facebook had 2200 followers, up from 1480. WSA’s media releases and requests for media interviews resulted in WSA appearing in the traditional media on multiple occasions. Highlights included appearances on ABC TV 7pm news, Channel 10 TV 6pm news, Channel Ten’s The Project and ABC Radio. Stories quoting WSA advocating for a more level playing field for women in sport were published in The Australian, SBS, Yahoo,, SBS, ESPN, Daily Mail, The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Brisbane Times, The New Daily, The Herald Sun, The Daily Telegraph, Adelaide Now and The Examiner,

+ WSA’s Women in Sport Mentoring Program continued to flourish with 14 new mentees from a range of sporting organisations joining the program. Nine Network News sports reporter Alicia Muling provided an inspiring presentation as guest speaker. WSA awarded a scholarship to a Mentee and the subsequent thank-you function proved a valuable networking event and an ideal platform to thank mentors for their valuable time and experience. Mentoring program facilitator Bron Madigan was recognised for her outstanding contribution towards increasing female participation in sport at the annual Women In Sport Breakfast.

+ WSA collaborated with the Male Champions of Change (Sport) on an extensive report released in early 2019.

+ WSA directors attended and/or addressed a wide range of events and forums including International Women’s Day, Women in Sport Leadership Summit, 23rd Women in Leadership and Management Summit, Change Our Game, Sport Australia Hall Of Fame, Victorian Women In Sport Gymnastics Breakfast, Women’s Health Magazine Women in Sport Awards, Edna Ryan Awards 20th Anniversary and the Women’s Rugby League World Cup.

+ WSA’s board was strengthened by three new Directors – Frances Cordaro, Iain Roy and Treasurer, David Bond. Carol Fox was re-elected President, Raelene Turner was appointed Deputy Chair and Sandy Angus became Secretary.

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