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+ AWRA’s media profile peaks with AWRA’s EO, Secretary Janice Crosswhite, OAM and other Directors doing weekly interviews on trending issues including the axing of television coverage of the Women’s National Basketball League and the W-League (football) by the ABC, media coverage of women in sport and the gender pay gap.
+ AWRA’s Twitter followers spike at 3,600.
+ AWRA sets up an online payment system to process memberships and program enrollments.
+ AWRA launches a Facebook page.
+ AWRA is named by the Queensland Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing to deliver Building Active Communities workshops to community sport and recreation volunteers across that State.
+ AWRA delivers its fourth national mentoring program, part funded by the Australian Sports Commission.
+ AWRA makes a submission to the Senate Select Committee into the Abbott Government’s Budget Cuts (name of Committee changed in August 2015 to the Senate Select Committee into the Scrutiny of Government Budget Measures), highlighting the impact of the television cuts by the ABC on the promotion and development of women’s sport.

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