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Award-winning Australian sportswomen are world beaters

The 8th annual Women’s Health Women in Sport Awards prove our elite female athletes aren’t just the best in Australia – they are among the best in the world. Women Sport Australia (WSA) president Carol Fox said the enormous diversity and depth of talent among Australia’s elite female athletes was further emphasised by the 10 award winners who were honoured at a red carpet ceremony in Sydney on Wednesday (Oct 17).

“Regardless of what event motivates Australia’s elite sportswomen to flex their impressive muscles – they prove to be award winners and world beaters,” WSA’s Carol Fox said.
“The depth and diversity of Australian female sporting talent is enormous with award winners coming from tennis, swimming, cricket, rugby, football, mountain biking, boxing and ultra running.”
“Award winners including Sam Kerr, Ellyse Perry, Cate Campbell and Evonne Goolagong Cawley aren’t just household names in Australia – they are world stars.”
“Women’s sport in Australia has never been stronger and it’s high time our female champions were recognised not just with red carpet award nights, but with a fair living wage, equal conditions on and off the field and equal media time and space.”
“Women Sport Australia calls on federal, state and local government together with sporting administrators, organisations and even local clubs and associations to provide adequate facilities and sustainable career paths for women in sport, from the grass roots to the elite.”
Women Sport Australia is the peak national advocacy body for women in sport.
The 2018 Women’s Health Women in Sport Awards 10 category winners are:
Women’s Health Sportswoman of the Year – CATE CAMPBELL, Swimming
Moment of the Year – ELLYSE PERRY, Cricket
A-Team of the Year – SOUTHERN STARS, Cricket
Person of Sporting Influence – RAELENE CASTLE, CEO, Rugby Australia
Comeback of the Year – CATE CAMPBELL, Swimming
Local Sporting Champion – WENDY SNOWBALL, Mountain Biking
Leadership Legend – SAM KERR, Football
One to Watch – LUCY BARTHOLOMEW, Ultra-Running
Federal Government Award for Outstanding Woman in Sport – SKYE NICOLSON, Boxing

A 60-minute broadcast of the Women’s Health Women in Sport Awards will be televised on Channel 7 on Sunday Oct 28.

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