Winner 2019
Michael Willson (VIC)
‘The Kick’
Tayla Harris, AFLW
Finalists 2019
Richard Morgan (NSW)
Karen Watson (NSW)
Craig Golding (NSW)
Dan Himbrechts (NSW)
Dan Peled (QLD)
Marina Neil (NSW)
Mark Avellino (VIC)
Andrew Berry (VIC)
Rachel Bach (VIC)
Scott Barbour (VIC)
Karen Watson (NSW)
Craig Golding (NSW)
Winner 2019
Johan Schmidt (WA)
‘The hit-up’
Sera Ah-Sam and
Tayla Stanford,
Rugby Union
Finalists 2019
Philip Barnes (WA)
Olivier Rachon (VIC)
Marcia Riederer (VIC)
May Bailey (NSW)
David Layden (QLD)
Megan Brewer (VIC)
Stephanie Meek (NSW)
Bob Wood (NSW)
Angelo Cabansag (VIC)
Robyn MacRae (NSW)
Alexander Bogatyrev (VIC)
Therese Glowaski (QLD)
To receive information when the competition officially launches
click here
If you are interested in hosting the 2020 WISPAA image exhibition later this year
click here